Pinus mugo 'Mops' (Mops Dwarf Mugo Pine)

Botanical Information

TypeShrub (evergreen)


USDA Hardiness Zone2 - 7
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone0a - 6b
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH5 - H7
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-46 - (-15)
Temperature (°F)-50 - 5
Height50 - 100 cm
Spread50 - 100 cm
Flowering PeriodApril

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionA small to large sized evergreen which varies in form and size. . The needles persist for more than 5 years and are dark green in colour, resisting winter burn.
ID CharacteristicNeedles are in 2's, stiff and curved protuberances left by abscised leaves. It has a general dwarfed appearance and has small resinous buds, which can be hard to see. There is also a dark ring around the cone tip. The bark on this dwarf plant is also very scaly.
ShapeGlobose shape and dense with short branches.
LandscapeBest used in groups or mass plantings; it is possibly a good specimen suitable for foundation planting and evergreen borders. It is also one of the few pines that is tolerant of some shade.
CultivationThis plant requires full sun but can tolerate some shade which makes this such a distinct shrub. The Mops Dwarf Mugo Pine prefers moist, well drained soils.
PestsSawfly and pine needle scale are sometimes troublesome.
HabitatHorticultural origin.
Bark/Stem DescriptionThe bark is grey plated but does not peel. When leaves abscise, rough protuberances are left.
Flower/Leaf Bud DescriptionThe bud arrangement is in whorls, scales are close and can be appressed. Bud colour is a reddish-brown and the scales are encrusted with resin. The bud size varies from .5-1 cm long and are oblong-ovoid in shape.
Leaf DescriptionThe needles are medium - dark green and are 2-5 cm long and are two per fascicle.
Flower DescriptionThe flowers are monoecious and have no ornamental value.
Fruit DescriptionCones are 2-5 cm long, they are dark brown in colour and are quite glossy.
Colour DescriptionThe colour does not change throughout the seasons. It stays the same shade of dark green all year round.
