Grevillea robusta (Silky Oak)

Botanical Information

CategoryTropicals, Woody
TypeTree (evergreen)
OriginNative to Queensland and New South Wales, Australia.


USDA Hardiness Zone11
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone Requires cool season protection under glass.
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH2
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)4 - 7
Temperature (°F)35 - 45
Height30-40 m
Spread 4 - 8 M

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionIn order to survive in poor soils Grevillea have evolved with proteoid roots. These roots which develop each season, grow into the top levels of the soil to extract nutrients.
ID CharacteristicDeep green fern-like leaves with pale undersides. Racemes of tubular yellow flowers.
LandscapePatio and container plants.
PropagationBy seed grafting or semi-hardood cuttings.
CultivationA marginally frost hardy plant that prefers acidic growing conditions and is intolerant of wet soils. Grevillea are particularly intolerant of phosphorous so a fertilizer low in this nutrient is a must.
PestsNo major issues.
