Franklinia alatamaha (Ben Franklin Tree)

Botanical Information

TypeTree (deciduous)
OriginJohn Bartram found this plant in 1770 along the banks of the Alatamaha River in Georgia. He then collected a few for his collection. This plant has not been seen in the wild since 1790.


USDA Hardiness Zone5-8
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone5b
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-25 - 25C
Temperature (°F)-20 - 77F
Height3-7.5 m
Spread2-6 m
Flowering PeriodAugust

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionIt is a small tree/large shrub with grey coloured bark. It has bright green foliage during spring and summer but turns a brilliant red-orange in the autumn. In August/September, it produces a small cup shaped, white flower with a yellow center.
ID CharacteristicIt has a small cup shaped white flower with a yellow centre.
ShapeRounded to conical dense crown.
LandscapeFranklinia is a small tree suited to patio areas where its late seasons bloom will be appreciated.
PestsWilt and root rot.
Notable SpecimensThe Gardens of Fanshawe College, Weekes Garden, London Ontario, Canada and Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC.
HabitatOnce found along the banks of the Alatamaha River in Georgia, but is now extinct in the wild.
Bark/Stem DescriptionOlder bark is grey in colour. Twigs are a greenish brown with white stripes running through it. The bark is smooth and slightly fluted, which is attractive.
Flower/Leaf Bud DescriptionTerminal, elongated, grayish brown, and silky. The scales weakly overlap. The buds are .5-1 cm in length.
Leaf DescriptionIt has a simple leaf that grows in an alternate arrangement. They are oblong in shape and grow to about 10-20 cm in length. The leafs have a serrate edge and are a bright green through the year. Turns red-orange in the autumn.
Flower DescriptionIt has a 5 petaled white flower with a yellow center of stamens. This flower is slightly cup shaped blooming in August, through September; very attractive.
Fruit DescriptionA dry, woody, rounded fruit that is up to 2.5 cm in diameter. Seed dispersal occurs in the autumn.
Colour DescriptionThe tree has a bright green colour through the year then goes bright red-orange in the autumn. It has grey coloured bark. The flowers are white with yellow centers.
Texture DescriptionIt has a medium texture year round.
