Magnolia campbellii var. alba (White Tulip Tree)

Botanical Information

TypeTree (deciduous)
OriginA naturally occurring white-to cream-flowered variety of an early-flowering, found at around 2100-3300m in the Himalayan region from eastern Nepal to western Yunnan, China.


USDA Hardiness Zone8a - 10b
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness ZoneRequires cold season protection under glass.
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH5 - H2
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-12.2 - 1.7
Temperature (°F)10 - 35
Height6 - 12 m
Spread6 - 12 m
Flowering PeriodApril

Description and Growing Information

ShapeA single stemmed tree with pyramidal outline, or have a more sprawling habit, similar to that of that many common Magnolia species.
CultivationBest grown in well-drained, moderately rich soil.
PestsNo major pests.
Notable SpecimensTrengwainton Garden, Madron, near Penzance, Cornwall, United Kingdom.
HabitatForests and thickets at an altitude of 2,100-3,300 m.
Leaf DescriptionLeaves to 23 x 11 cm, dark green above and pale green beneath.
Flower DescriptionFlowers appear before leaves, white or crimson to rose-pink, paler above.
Fruit DescriptionCones to 15 cm.
