Schleichera oleosa (Ceylon Oak, Kusum, Pongro)

Botanical Information

TypeTree (deciduous)

Description and Growing Information

PropagationNatural regeneration is by seed and root suckers. Propagation is by direct sowing in thoroughly prepared soil or by stump planting.
PestsDiseases: Stem blight (Rosellinia bunodes), yellow cork rot (Polyporus weberianus), white spongy rot (Daedalea flavida and Hexagonia apiaria) and white fibrous rot (Irpex flavus). Pests: Several defoliators, borers and sap suckers cause damage. The
HabitatFoothils of the Himalayas and the western Deccan to Sri Lanka and Indo-China.
Bark/Stem DescriptionTrunk fluted; bark grey, irregularly scaly; blaze pink.
Fruit DescriptionFruit a broadly ovoid, ellipsoid to subglobular berry, 1-2 seeded, 2 cm x 1-2 cm, base narrowed, apex pointed, yellow, hard-crustaceous, smooth or slightly spiny.
