Viburnum tinus (Laurustinus Viburnum, Laurestine)

Botanical Information

FamilyAdoxaceae (Caprifoliaceae)
TypeShrub (evergreen)

Description and Growing Information

CultivationViburnum tinus is a popular evergreen shrub widely cultivated for its winter flowering habit in regions with mild winters. Several cultivars have been introduced by the horticultural trade; mostly these are similar to the species, but with subtle variations in habit, leaf size or flower colour. As it tolerates pruning well it is often sold as topiary specimens, although even moderate clipping significantly reduces flowering ability.
HabitatThe Mediterranean region and Macaronesia.
Leaf DescriptionThe leaves are evergreen, persisting for 2-3 years. They are borne in opposite pairs, 4-10 cm long and 2-4 cm broad, with an entire margin.
Flower DescriptionThe flowers are white, produced from reddish-pink buds in dense 5-10 cm diameter cymes in the winter.
Fruit DescriptionThe fruit is a dark blue-black drupe that is 5-7 mm long.
