Stokesia laevis 'Blue Danube' (Blue Danube Stokes' Aster)

Botanical Information

Cultivar'Blue Danube'


USDA Hardiness Zone5 - 9
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH6
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-15
Temperature (°F)30
Height10 - 30 cm
Spread10 - 30 cm
Flowering PeriodJune, July, August, September

Description and Growing Information

LandscapeFlower beds, cut flowers, ground cover, borders, hedge gardens, as a potted plant or as a specimen.
CultivationGrow in moist but well-drained neutral to acidic soil in full to partial sun. Protect from strong winds.
Notable SpecimensThe A.M. (Mac) Cuddy Gardens, Strathroy, Ontario, Canada.
HabitatHorticultural origin.
Bark/Stem DescriptionSmooth erect leafy stems.
Leaf DescriptionLanceolate-elliptic leaves that can grow up to 12 cm long and 2 - 3 cm across. Leaves appear to have a very fine hair-like coating.
Flower DescriptionFluffy flowers about 5 - 6 cm across. 8 - 10, 5 - 6 notched-fringed petals surrounding a fuzzy pincushion-like inner blooming petals and the sepals.
Colour DescriptionMedium green stems and foliage. Cornflower blue to lavender blooms with a cream to peach centre.
Texture DescriptionSoft.
