Iris 'Rosalie Figge' (Rosalie Figge Tall Bearded Reblooming Iris)

Botanical Information

Cultivar'Rosalie Figge'
CategoryBulbs, Perennials
OriginJ. McNew, 1991.


USDA Hardiness Zone3
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone1
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH7
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-40 - (-35)
Temperature (°F)-40 - (-30)
Height1 m
Flowering PeriodMay, August

Description and Growing Information

LandscapeBest in sunny beds or borders.
PropagationPropagate by division of rhizomes.
CultivationGrow in full sun in a humusy, well-drained soil. Avoid overhead watering and heavy clay soils. It is a good idea to deadhead spent flowers and remove the flowering stems to ground after bloom.
PestsThe largest pest threat is the iris borer. May also be affected by bacterial soft rot and fungal leaf spot.
Notable SpecimensRoyal Botanical Gardens, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
HabitatHorticultural origin.
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are sword-shaped and linear.
Flower DescriptionFlowers are fragrant, with standards that are violet and falls that are dark violet with white around the beard and a yellow-tinged throat. Blooms both in spring and autumn, however the duration and timing of the second bloom vary greatly depending on climactic region.
