Gentiana 'Shot Silk' (Shot Silk Gentian)

Botanical Information

Cultivar'Shot Silk'


USDA Hardiness Zone7b - 8a
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone7b
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH5
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-15 to -10
Temperature (°F)5 - 14
Height10 cm
Spread50 cm
Flowering PeriodSeptember, October, November

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionAn autumn bloomer with trumpet-shaped, deep blue flowers that have a purple sheen.
ShapeCompact, low mounding habit.
LandscapePerfect for an open border beside a path, or in a rock garden.
CultivationGrow in full in a moist, well-drained, acidic soil. Will spread to form ground cover.
PestsAphids, slugs, snails and red spider mites should be watched for, as well as rust fungus and botrytis.
HabitatHorticultural origin.
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are very narrow and deep green.
Flower DescriptionFlowers are upright and trumpet shaped, dark blue in colour with a purple sheen, blooming in autumn.
