Alnus nitida (Himalayan Alder)

Michael's Opinion

Alnus nitida is a fine and rare specimen, spanning the Himalayas. It is favoured as a roadside planting in the towns around the mountains.

Botanical Information

SynonymsClethropsis nitida
TypeTree (deciduous)
ReferencesMichael A. Dirr (1975). Manual of Woody Plants. Alnus/Amelanchier p.101
OriginAlnus nitida originates from Afghanistan, India, Nepal and Pakistan. It is seen most commonly in the Himalayas, where it is known as the Himalayan Alder.
Ethnobotanical Uses
A concoction of the bark is applied to treat swelling and body pain. The bark is also used in some places for dyeing and tanning purposes. The wood is used for construction and furniture. This species is cultivated as a roadside tree in Pakistan.


USDA Hardiness Zone7 - 10
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone5a - 8a
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH6 - H2
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-10 - 15
Temperature (°F)14 - 59
Height20 - 30 m
Flowering PeriodSeptember

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionAlnus nitida has green leaves with brown catkins and grows by river banks and streams of the Himalayas, growing to a good height and producing bark that can be used for dyes and swelling treatment. This tree is on the IUCN Red List, but due to a lack of threats has been labelled 'Least Concern'.
ID CharacteristicAlnus nitida will be around 25 m tall with smooth but fissured bark, leading to branches of oval-shaped buds, catkins, and simple elliptical leaves.
ShapeAlnus nitida is an upright tree.
LandscapeThis tree is cultivated as one of Pakistan’s roadside trees.
PropagationSeeds are best sown in a cold frame and should start to germinate during spring as weather warms. When grown large enough, choose seedlings for individual pots. Semi-hardwood cuttings from mature Alnus nitida are taken when autumn begins.
CultivationAlnus nitida is more preferable to damp situations and heavy soil. Growth excels in heavy clay soils, but will tolerate drier soils than fellow genus members, and furthermore finds success at infertile sites. These trees can tolerate temperatures as low as -5° - (-10°C) but cannot survive in colder climates.
PestsAlnus nitida does not have any pests of immediate concern.
HabitatAlnus nitida is a rare species that grows naturally and would typically be found along river banks in the Himalayas (East Asia) at high altitudes of 2800 meters and down into the plains at 600-1200 meters. Countries include Afghanistan; India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu-Kashmir, and Uttaranchal); Nepal; Pakistan.
Bark/Stem DescriptionSmooth, light brown in colour with spots and fissures.
Flower/Leaf Bud DescriptionOval-shaped buds.
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are simple, green, undulating, and elliptical.
Flower DescriptionAlnus nitida flowers in September, producing monoecious flowers.
Fruit DescriptionIt produces coarse oblong catkins that are medium brown.
Colour DescriptionGreen leaves, brown catkins and light greyish brown bark.
