Aeonium spathulatum (Spoon-Leaved Aeonium)

Botanical Information

CategoryPerennials, Tropicals
TypeShrub (evergreen)
OriginNative to the Canary Islands.


USDA Hardiness Zone11a - 11b
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness ZoneGreater than 9a
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH1C
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)5 to 10
Temperature (°F)40 to 50
Height0.5 to 1 m
Spread0.1 to 0.5 m
Flowering PeriodApril, May, June

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionA branching succulent with spoon-shaped, green, sticky leaves forming rosettes. The yellow flowers bloom during the spring above the leaf rosettes.
LandscapeContainer planting, rock garden, or single specimen.
PropagationPropagation by cuttings during growing season.
CultivationGrowth occurs during winter to spring during the cooler temperatures. It is dormant in the hot season. Plant in full sun and well drained soil.
PestsRoot rot will occur if over watered.
Notable SpecimensChelsea Physic Garden, London, United Kingdom.
HabitatFound at elevations of 200 - 500 m on the island of Tenerife.
Leaf DescriptionGreen leaves that are sticky to the touch. Notably, the leaves are spoon shaped and bulbous as opposed to flat.
Flower DescriptionStar-shaped yellow flowers bloom in the spring atop the leaves.
