Aichryson bollei

Botanical Information

CategoryAnnuals, Tropicals
TypeShrub (evergreen)
OriginNative to the Canary Islands.


USDA Hardiness Zone9b to 11b
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone9a and greater
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH1c - H3
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)- 5 to 10
Temperature (°F)23 - 50
Height35 cm
Flowering PeriodApril, May

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionThis species produces beautiful yellow-red leaves if given the correct conditions to grow. Hairs coat the leaves, producing a fuzzy appearance.
ShapeBranched, upright, short.
LandscapeSingle specimen or indoor container.
PropagationPropagation by cuttings during growing season.
CultivationGrow in partial shade in moist soil. Give little fertilizer as the plant can over-flower (exhaust itself) and perish easily.
PestsSusceptible to root rot.
Notable SpecimensChelsea Physic Garden, London, United Kingdom.
HabitatLaurel and pine forests in shade.
Leaf DescriptionUp to 3.5 cm in length, 2.3 cm in width. Normally green with a red tone, however it can produce yellow leaves.
Flower DescriptionThe pale yellow flowers with a green stripe can grow to 1 cm in diameter, producing a star-like shape.
