Cornus (dogwood, cornel)

Botanical Information

SynonymsChamaepericlymenum, Thelycrania, Dendrobenthamia
TypeTree (deciduous), Shrub (deciduous)
OriginJapan, Korea, China, Taiwan.


USDA Hardiness Zone5 - 8
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone4a - 7b
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH7 - H3
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)(-26) - (-9)
Temperature (°F)(-15) - 15
Height4.6m - 9.1m
Spread4.6m - 9.1m
Flowering PeriodMay, June

Description and Growing Information

PropagationPropagation is done in two ways: grafting, or budding. Grafting, is done by taking a branch cutting from an existing Venus dogwood and reattaching said cutting onto the rootstock of a hardy selection of Cornus kousa, which has a USDA zone hardiness of 4-8, allowing for Cornus ‘Kn30-8’ to survive in a wide temperature range. Budding, is more commonly employed as it uses less vegetative material than grafting with the same outcome. Instead of a full branch cutting being taken, a single bud is attached to the selected root stock, allowing for more product to be created. Budding can be done in spring, or summer with summer being the ideal time to do budding as the root stock will be more likely to grow around the bud at this time, and the bark will be more manageable when attaching the bud to the rootstock.
CultivationWell-drained sandy soil in full sun to partial shade.
